Sunday, 19 April 2009



- Males were always represented as being the bread winners and having dominant roles.

- World's first colour transmission, Panorama begins, The Benny Hill, First hospital drama on BBC, Jazz was known as the "Golden Age" in Hollywood, this era of movie-making saw the release of many classics, talented stars and directors.


-The younger generation began to rebel against the norms of the time. It became acceptable for women to wear trousers in 1960s.

-Children's Television - Sesame Street. Colour TV makes its way into U.S. homes. The first Star Trek episode, “The Man Trap,” is broadcast on September 8. Coronation Street begins, Steptoe and Son.


-Contraceptive pills introduced. Increase in divorce rates, single parent households, and pre-marital sex.

-ABC, CBS and NBC agree to create a “family hour,” an early evening time slot that is free of violence and sex. George Carlin hosts the first show, Newsround begins.


-MTV had just begun; the very first video to be aired on MTV was Buggles.
Rapid growth in video game technology throughout the decade.

-Eastenders begins, John Lennon shot dead.


-John Major became prime minister

-UK television — Popular comedies include Keeping up Appearances and Absolutely Fabulous. The Internet begins to affect pop culture, beginning around 1996.


-Women and men are gaining their equality in the work places. Gay people are now allowed to get married.

-Gordan Brown becomes prime minister in 2007.